Ron Kulik

Ron Kulik

Blog by Ron Kulik

Be on Guard: Alter This Microsoft Edge Configuration Immediately
Safemode IT in Kyle, Texas, shares a privacy concern about Microsoft Edge sending user-viewed images to Microsoft. They offer easy steps to disable this setting, ensuring safer and more private browsing.
07.07.23 11:20 PM - Comment(s)
Now AI Can Make Your Microsoft Teams Meetings More Productive
AI is revolutionizing Microsoft Teams meetings with intelligent scheduling, real-time transcription, speaker spotlighting, and insightful analytics.
06.22.23 10:08 PM - Comment(s)
Stop! And think, before you act on that email
Are you protecting your business from Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks? They have cost businesses billions - and they’re getting harder to detect. Here’s how to stay safe
06.15.23 04:11 AM - Comment(s)
Why Email Security is a Must for Small Businesses in Kyle, Texas
Discover why email security is crucial for small businesses in our latest blog. Learn about threats like Business Email Compromise and secure your digital future with SafeMode IT.
06.12.23 12:32 AM - Comment(s)
Is It Time to Ditch the Passwords for More Secure Passkeys?
Cybersecurity expert Ron Kulik from SafeMode IT, Kyle Texas, suggests replacing traditional passwords with secure passkeys to combat rising cyber threats and password fatigue.
06.08.23 02:35 AM - Comment(s)
3 Steps to Get Rid of Fake Virus Alert Pop-Ups
The fake tech support warnings are a pain. Follow these 3 steps to help fight back.
06.07.23 11:40 AM - Comment(s)

Worried about leaving your laptop unlocked? With Bluetooth auto-locking, secure your Windows 10 computer without disrupting your work. Learn how to use your phone as a key for locking/unlocking your computer!


Automatically locking your device with your phone’s Bluetoot...

05.23.23 11:56 PM - Comment(s)

You’ve completed your annual cybersecurity training. This includes teaching employees how to spot phishing emails. You’re feeling good about it. That is until about 5-6 months later. Your company suffers a costly ransomware infection due to a click on a phishing link.

You wonder why yo...

05.23.23 12:17 AM - Comment(s)
What is NIST? An easy explanation for anyone.
NIST sets standards in tech & science to ensure safety & promote innovation. It's like a rule-maker for gadgets, cybersecurity, & more!
05.17.23 11:57 PM - Comment(s)
Texas HB 3834 Cybersecurity Awareness Training Requirements
Texas HB 3834 requires businesses in Texas to provide annual cybersecurity awareness training to employees handling personal identifying information.
05.01.23 03:19 PM - Comment(s)